Pianist Joshua Chua 蔡钧圣 钢琴家
出生於马来西亚,蔡钧圣自五岁起开始接受音乐培训。他分别於2003和2005年考获英国皇家音乐学院第八级乐理文聘和高级专业演奏文聘。之後他师从Timothy Hester,并获颁休大音乐系钢琴协作硕士文聘。他拥有超过二十五年的钢琴教学经验,并帮助了许多学生在英国皇家音乐的钢琴和乐理考试中考获佳绩。此外,他也拥有超过二十八年的钢琴伴奏经验,曾在各项专业考试、演奏会、和比赛中与许多音乐人合作演出,并长期参与敬拜团队的服事。他也曾到全美各地和亚洲地区的不同教会中教授钢琴伴奏和电子键盘课程。Born in Malaysia, Joshua Chua began his music training at the age of five. He obtained the Grade 8 Theory Certificate and the Advanced Professional Performance Diploma from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) in 2003 and 2005, respectively. Later, he studied under Timothy Hester and earned a Master's degree in Collaborative Piano from the University of Houston's Moores School of Music.
With over 25 years of piano teaching experience, he has guided many students to achieve excellent results in ABRSM piano and theory exams.
In addition, he has more than 28 years of experience as a piano accompanist, collaborating with numerous musicians in professional exams, concerts, and competitions. He is also actively involved in the worship ministry, serving regularly as part of worship teams.
Furthermore, he has taught piano accompaniment and electronic keyboard courses at various churches in the United States and in Asia.
Cellist 大提琴家 Vyacheslav Dobrushkin
Vyacheslav Dobrushkin native of Ukraine, has performed in distinguished concert halls throughout North America including Carnegie Hall, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Meyerson Symphony Center, Teatro Hidalgo, Zilkha Hall, Blas Galindo Hall among others.
小提琴家 刘馨
毕业于中央音乐学院附中,本科新加坡国立大学和约翰.霍普金斯大学,硕士莱斯大学小提琴演奏专业。现任Fort Settlement Middle School 小提琴老师,从事重奏、独奏演出和教学。业余爱好跳舞、唱歌,弹钢琴
钢琴家 杨媛媛 Yuan Yang
Mrs. Yang graduated from Shanghai Conservatory majored in Music Education with primary instrument of piano. With 20 years of teaching experience, her students have won awards in major competitions in both China and US. Mrs Yang is very active pianist on stage. She participated in the performances (chamber music) of various universities in Xian with Ren Tian and Hao Changjiang, violin professor of the West Sound Orchestra Department. She played Beethoven's fifth piano concerto "the emperor" with Shanxi philharmonic orchestra in 2007.Strict with herself in teaching, she has a strict grasp of basic skills. Mrs Yang is good at discovering and developing students' potential, finding out their interest points, and choosing works in line with students' style. She has developed a unique teaching pedagogy in the field of four - hands piano, allowing many students to play with a new style.